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Whitefield School



Ofsted Report

Whitefield School Judged 'Good' By Ofsted

Before the May half term, Whitefield School received an Ofsted inspection.  This was the first time the school had been inspected under the new Ofsted framework and we are proud to announce that the inspectors judged the school to be ‘Good’ in all areas.  This is excellent news and we would like to congratulate the whole school community on this strong and deeply encouraging judgement.

The inspectors gave the school a very positive report in which they praised a number of areas including the ‘ambitious curriculum’, the strengths of the reading programme and how ‘well-prepared’ pupils are for ‘life in the world beyond school’.  Importantly, inspectors found that pupils are ‘happy, well cared for and kept safe’.

Inspectors were complimentary about the school’s staff who they describe as ‘highly knowledgeable’.  They found solid evidence of how staff endeavour to provide personalised and tailored support for each pupil.  We are delighted that our staff’s dedication and hard work has been commended by inspectors.

Similarly – and just as importantly – inspectors were impressed by pupils’ behaviour and their ‘positive attitudes towards their learning’.  As always, our pupils were a credit to themselves, their families and their teachers and were fantastic ambassadors for Whitefield School.

We are very pleased with this report which shows how Whitefield School is increasingly delivering a high standard of education and offering a wide range of opportunities for pupils to enjoy new experiences.  Along with the school’s staff, we are committed to driving standards even further and we look forward to working closely with families as we do this.

The full report can be found here
