Part of the Learning in Harmony Trust

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Whitefield School

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health

At Whitefield School our curriculum includes teaching Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health. We believe that effective Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health is crucial to developing and maintaining the emotional and physical health of our pupils. We recognise children and young people with special needs and disabilities can be more vulnerable in society to abuse, or child-on-child abuse and, or sexual harassment. Learning about RSE also ensure our pupils are taught about safeguarding risks and supported to understand “what constitutes a healthy relationship”.

At Whitefield School our RSE curriculum reflects the needs of our children and young people with autism, speech language and communication difficulties, severe learning difficulties or profound and multiple learning difficulties.

At Whitefield School, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health provides a framework for pupils to learn about emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up, relationships, sex, human sexuality and sexual health. It aims to equip children and young people with the information, skills and positive values to have safe, fulfilling relationships, to enjoy their sexuality and to take responsibility for their sexual health and wellbeing. RSE is important in helping children and young people to be safe, healthy and happy as they grow up and, in their future, lives. RSE must always be appropriate to pupils’ age and stage of development and is an essential part of safeguarding. At Whitefield School we are committed to ‘Enjoyment, Achievement and Wellbeing for all,’ this ethos is evident through our approach to RSE and PSHE.

Please read our policy here.

Our RSE programme is designed following consultation with parents, to meet the statutory requirements of DfE guidance (September 2019).

RSE lessons are to ensure pupils receive their learning in the wider context of relationships, and are prepared for the opportunities, responsibilities and experience of adult life. Our teaching about relationship and sex education should be complementary and supportive to the role of parents and carers so will regard their views on its content and presentation.

We believe that it is important to work with parents to teach children and young people about relationships and sex. Class teachers will inform parents of topic content prior to teaching RSE and will meet parents to discuss the curriculum in more detail if parents would find this useful. Parents and carers will receive a list of key vocabulary related to each RSE topic to support learning at home. Our Family Support Team arrange workshops for parents to explain our curriculum and are happy to follow up any issues or queries raised by parents. The school will also work with parents to follow the customs which are important to them – for example in dress or food. During our Person-Centred Reviews parents and professionals may talk about issues linked to RSE. Parents may ask for support with particular issues. Parents are also welcome to meet the Family Support Team or the leader of their child’s school if there is anything they want to discuss.

Parents and carers have the right to withdraw their children from all or part of any sex education provided, but not from teaching of the biological aspects of human growth and reproduction, a statutory part of the National Curriculum for Science. If a parent wishes to withdraw their child, they should put their request in writing to the Vice Principal - a reason for this decision is not necessary. However, we strongly recommend and encourage parents and carers to work with the Trust to ensure their children are well informed.
