Part of the Learning in Harmony Trust

"In the Learning in Harmony Trust, we work in harmony to achieve excellence for all. We live and breathe our values and focus on doing things the right way, providing the perfect environment for all our children to flourish and succeed. And with a diverse range of schools in two contrasting locations, we offer a unique opportunity for professionals looking for a challenging and rewarding career in a supportive, creative and forward-thinking environment."
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Whitefield School

School Performance

School Performance

School Performance Data

Schools Performance Report September 2022 - July 2023

All pupils that attend Whitefield School have an Education, Health and Care Plan. Whitefield School was rated Good by Ofsted in May 2023. 

Whitefield School is a very large special school, which has six departments overseen by experienced Vice Principals who report to the Principal. Each department provides curriculum pathways, teaching and learning opportunities to meet their pupils’ specific needs. All pupils have an EHCP.

  • Early Years educates pupils aged 3-5 years old with autism or speech and communication difficulties.
  • Peter Turner Primary educates pupils aged 3-11 years who have a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) and associated learning difficulties including communication, speech and language or hearing loss.
  • Niels Chapman Secondary educates   pupils aged 11-19 years who have a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) and associated learning difficulties including communication, speech and language or hearing loss. 
  • Rebecca Goodman Centre caters for pupils aged 11-19 years old with a wide range of abilities. All pupils have communication and interaction needs whilst some may be on the autistic spectrum, they may have additional learning needs and/or hearing loss.
  • Margaret Brearley works with four groups of pupils aged 3-19 years:
  • Pupils with severe learning difficulties
  • Pupils with profound and multiple learning difficulties
  • Pupils with multisensory needs – by this we mean pupils who have additional sensory needs alongside other special needs such as physical disabilities or ASC
  • Pupils taught in Evergreen Class, a virtual provision to support families and our pupils who are nearing the end of their life.
  • Rowan Sixth Form educates post 16 students who can access a range of qualifications to support their future employment and quality of life. Provision is often in partnership with other credible providers e.g., Waltham Forest College. This enables our students to access a broad curriculum and qualifications offer. 

Whitefield School is a rich multicultural community, reflecting the local area. The most common ethnic groups are Pakistani, Black African and White British. 33.5% (126) of pupils are entitled to pupil premium, reflecting the level of deprivation locally.

There is a very wide range of needs and abilities, from children and young people at very early developmental levels to those who can complete examinations and move into employment. Approximately half of the pupils attending are non-verbal therefore communication is a key focus for the school. Student follow a personalised curriculum underpinned by their EHCP and we are currently introducing the ‘Equals’ curriculum to underpin our approach.

OUTCOMES FOR 2022-2023:

The eligibility for pupils’ entering public examinations, vocational qualifications, national assessments and/or other accredited courses is informed by our knowledge about our pupils’ achievement, their aspirations and their EHCP.

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

In 2022-2023 the school did not have any pupils who were able to access the Early Learning Goals assessments.

Phonics Screening Check

Two Year 1 pupils were entered for the phonics screening test with one achieving the national benchmark.

Eight Year 2 pupils were entered for the phonics screening test with three achieving the national benchmark.

Key Stage 1 End of Year Assessment Tests

In 2022-2023 the school did not have any pupils who were able to access these assessments.

Year 4 Multiplication Check

In 2022-2023 the school did not have any pupils who were able to access these assessments.

Key Stage 2 End of Year Assessment Tests

In 2022-2023 the school did not have any pupils who were able to access these assessments.

Secondary Provision

Our Secondary aged pupils took part in English and Maths Entry Level qualifications.

English: 12 students entered



Entry Level 1


Entry Level 2


Entry Level 3


Maths: 10 students entered



Entry Level 1


Entry Level 2


Entry Level 3


Quality Mark Award
The school was awarded the Inclusion Quality Mark Award in May 2022. This national accreditation is awarded to schools which meet the Quality Mark Standard and will last for two years, after which a renewal assessment is required. The Quality Mark promotes, supports and celebrates progress and improvements made by a school in English and mathematics. Without these ‘basic skills’ of good communication, English and mathematical skills, individuals are disadvantaged throughout their lives – as learners, in the workplace and as parents, consumers and citizens and so they form the ‘bedrock’ of a good education.

