Part of the Learning in Harmony Trust

"In the Learning in Harmony Trust, we work in harmony to achieve excellence for all. We live and breathe our values and focus on doing things the right way, providing the perfect environment for all our children to flourish and succeed. And with a diverse range of schools in two contrasting locations, we offer a unique opportunity for professionals looking for a challenging and rewarding career in a supportive, creative and forward-thinking environment."
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Whitefield School

Useful Organisations

Useful Organisations

Looking for something fun to do? Looking for some support? This is our growing directory of organizations that may be useful to you.


Bikeworks believes that cycling should be accessible and possible for everyone, regardless of age, disability or experience and to enable this run All Ability Cycling Clubs. The clubs are open to all and have a range of adapted cycles including tandem tricycles, side-by-side and platform tricycles.

The charity runs clubs in three different locations, so there is provision across London at a time which will hopefully work for you. They also run improver sessions for people who want to take their cycling a bit more seriously. The clubs are completely free and open to anyone. 

For more information

The best starting place to find more information on All ability cycling is 

Bikework - What is all ability


Dimensions provide services for people with learning disabilities and autism. Alongside supported living and residential care, we also offer vital specialist services including sector leading Positive Behaviour Support.

The organisation also works with Odeon, Cineworld, Vue and Showcase cinemas to put on monthly autism friendly film screenings - you can find the details here:


The Engine Shed

A monthly ‘train club’ for children on the autistic spectrum and their families in the North East London area.  The club has  Model Hornby railways & train sets for all abilities will be set up and a range of train-related resources for children to play with.

Train-loving children who are not on the spectrum also welcome. and there is no charge. 
If you would like to come or want more information contact Gill:

By text: 07583 405958

The organization aims to:

  • Provide a unique special interest facility for children on the autistic spectrum and their families.

  • Provide an opportunity for families to share and learn new strategies for promoting the learning and social skills of our children, using their love of trains as an entry point.

  • Create a friendly and supportive atmosphere in which all children, siblings, parents, and other family members can feel comfortable and relaxed.

Where and when

Meetings usually  happen second Sunday of each month 11.00 - 2.00 pm at:

St Francis Church Hall,

Hawkswood Crescent,


E4 7RS 
